Golden Meals

Golden Meals

The Golden Meals Program provides meals to senior citizens aged 60 and over at 4 meal sites in Stephenson, Jo Daviess, Carroll and Whiteside counties. Home delivered meals are also provided to those who are home-bound, isolated, frail or unable to prepare meals for themselves.

Golden Meals Logo

A registered dietitian plans all meals to ensure that the meals meet nutritional requirements for adults. A suggested donation per meal is requested. No one will be denied service because of their inability to donate.

Clients benefit from participation through improved physical health and through regular contact and involvement with others.

Sponsor a Senior’s Week of Meals

Just $15 helps feed a homebound senior nutritious dietitian-approved meals for a week.

Our meals are prepared, delivered to the seniors’ door, and available at our three congregate sites. The suggested donation is $3.25 per meal. No individuals are ever turned away for the inability to donate. We feed more than 1000 seniors a day. Help us provide the love and support our seniors deserve!


Send GM A Message

    Our Location
    524 W. Stephenson
    Phone: 815-232-8896
    Hours of Operation: M-F | 8 am – 3 pm
    Email: [email protected]

    Important Documents & Information

    Senior Dining Locations

    Registration for Congregate Meals

    Please email or fax your completed Congregate Meals form to [email protected] or 815-232-5605.